PRO-VE 2023, the 24th IFIP/Socolnet Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, held in Valencia, Spain from 27-29 September 2023, was a great success.
Thank you to Professor Angel Ortiz for hosting us and making this conference an excellent venue to exchange ideas and re-connect. We participated in the following activities:
- Special Session on Enterprises and Human Integration towards Industry 5.0 organised by Hervé Panetto (University of Lorraine, France), Ricardo J. Rabelo (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil), Arturo Molina (Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico), Georg Weichhart (Primemetals, Austria) and Luis Osorio (Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Panel of Experts with the participation of Ricardo Rabelo and Arturo Molina
Papers presented in the conference from IFIP WG 5.12 members: Ovidiu Nora, Ricardo Rabelo, Angel Ortiz and Arturo Molina.