TC 12.6 and TC 12.12 collaborated with the French Chapter of IEEE and the Institute of Services and Industry Troyes (ISIFT) for a day on Ethics and Industry of the future. Organised by Professor Nada Matta, the hybrid event took place at the UTC-Sorbonne University Paris in July, bringing together over 30 participants from industry and academia.
After the short introduction to IFIP and TC12 Working Groups by Eunika Mercier-Laurent and IFIP video there were three presentations by:
- Damien Trentesaux – LAMIH/ INSA Hauts-de-France, explained how Ethics can be considered in Industrial Engineering and in product design, especially through the role of human and society in the Industry of the Future. Damien discussed the paradigms of deontology and utilitarianism. Finally, a series of questions on Ethics and its evaluation were proposed.
- Emmanuel Caillaud – CNAM, discussed the posture of a researcher in the Industry of the Future, particularly the issue of ethics in his/her daily work. He presented a storytelling of his personal journey combining product engineering, digital technology and finally learning the principles of ethics.
- Anne Dourgnon – EDF, explained the innovative way of developing chatbots for professionals involved in nuclear plants. The objective of this approach is to design chatbots supporting knowledge transfer between various actors by dialoguing. The underlying principle of this work is to consider the needs of the human operator and the organisation as the heart of the project.
The speakers plan to publish a book with Springer summarising these discussions and those already conducted in the Ethics and Artificial Intelligence meetings previously organised by the French IEEE SMC Chapter.
A call for papers from the presenters of these meetings will be launched in September 2022.
More information and the presentations can be accessed online.

Speakers at the Ethics and Industry event