The Day of Computer Experts of Serbia was held in Belgrade on 18 November 2021 in memory of 18 November 1960 when CER 10, the first domestic digital computer produced at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute, was promoted.
Srećko Miodragović, President of the Board of IAS presented and introductory speeche about “Business potentials provided by the Digital Property Act”
The winners of the Informatics Association of Serbia (IAS) Plaque for the best IT results during the year 2021 were announced at the meeting.
DIS plaques for innovative start-up ventures were awarded to:
- Myfitworld d.o.o for the project “Myfitworld web and mobile platform for fitness, wellness, sports and rehabilitation; and
- Professional Association “Safe Trails” – Mobile and web GIS application for people with disabilities and GIS software for urban mobility.
The plaque for a developed and applied IT product awarded to AB Soft d.o.o. for the project “Business Software for Utilities”.