IFIP Working Group 8.3 (Decision Support) invites both academic and practitioner community contributions either in-person or virtually to Elche, Spain for the 2024 Open Conference on 5-7 June 2024.
Entitled, “Decision Systems and Analytics for the Common Good”, the conference is set to highlight “the Common Good” or shared benefit in the design and development of Decision Systems and Analytics. Automated and AI-based decision systems and analysis can lead to unfair decisions and biases that undermine justice and rights of everyone.
Our focus is on how DSS expertise can help the Common Good, providing a human-centered approach to decisions that affect people. This approach could be applied to decision problems in a variety of different sectors such as financial services, healthcare, hospitality, media, social management resources and many others.
Accepted papers will be published in the Journal of Decision Systems. Research-in-progress papers and posters will also be presented. For further information, visit https://ifip2024dss.umh.es/
Important Dates:
Paper submission: 12 January 2024
Submission of posters: 1 April 2024