**Deadline to Submit: April 11, 2023**
The 6th IFIP International Internet of Things Conference (IFIP-IoT) will be held in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, USA from 2-3 November 2023.
IFIP-IoT is the annual event totally dedicated to IoT research, innovations and applications. The sixth conference in the series continues to put emphasis on the multidisciplinary nature of the IoT world.
IoT covers a wide range of topics, from communication network protocols and embedded systems to data analytics and machine learning algorithms, but also considering social, legal, ethical, and economic aspects, having the objective of enabling a vast array of services in areas like e-health, mobility, energy, manufacturing, smart cities, and agriculture, just to cite a few examples. IoT deployment needs also to take into consideration the security, privacy, and social aspects of networking, which need to be fully investigated to ensure real added value for IoT users.
The IFIP IoT Conference addresses this wide variety of topics. Papers are sought to show technical advancements, research on major questions, innovation, pilot site results and policy issues. Perspectives might be from the people and organisations involved, like researchers, users, user organisations, the ICT industry, authorities, and regulators.
Contributions are sought in the following areas:
- Hardware/Software Solutions for IoT and CPS (HSS)
- Electronics and Signal Processing for IoT (ESP)
- Networking and Communications Technology for IoT (NCT)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies for IoT (AMT)
- Cyber Security/Privacy/Trust for IoT and CPS (SPT)
- IoT or CPS Applications and Use cases (APP)
IFIP-IoT technical program will include contributed papers and contributions from invited speakers. It will have keynotes, plenary talks, tutorials, technical sessions, special sessions, expert panels, research demo session (RDS), and a student research forum (SRF).
Paper Submission Deadlines:
Submission: April 11, 2023
Acceptance: June 17, 2023
Final Submission: July 01, 2023
For more information or to submit your paper, click here.