EuroSys 2023, 8—12 May 2023
EuroSys—the European chapter of ACM SIGOPS—is a premier conference on various aspects of systems software research and development, including its ramifications for hardware and applications. Topics of interest for the conference include: operating systems, database systems, real-time systems, networked systems and storage systems. Workshops include “Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems”, “Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking”, “Machine Learning and Systems” and more. The event is being held in Rome, Italy.
CPS-IoT Week 2022, 9—12 May 2023 (Hybrid)
CPS-IoT Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet-of-Things. It brings together five top conferences, HSCC, ICCPS, IoTDI, IPSN, and RTAS, multiple workshops, tutorials and competitions. Keynote speakers this year are Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University), John A. Stankovic (University of Virginia), and Mani Srivastava (UCLA). This will be a hybrid event, but participants are highly encouraged to attend in-person. The event will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA.