The 14th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference, was due to take place 9th-11th September 2020, at the Faculty of Global Informatics (iTL), Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan.
Unfortunately, like many events in 2020, HCC14 was cancelled due to COVID-19. However, since submissions had already been made and reviewing was underway, a decision was made to continue to develop and publish the eProceedings. Thus, after a few delays, the eProceedings were progressed and finally published on the Springer website in November 2020. The Conference website is still live here.
The Chairs of the Conference, David Kreps, Taro Koumkai, Gopal T.V. and Kaori Ishii, would like to thank everyone involved for their persistence and hard work in pulling together this volume, and wish the whole TC9 community well in these difficult times. HCC15 is planned for September 2022.
Image – HCC Bookcover