IFIP TC3 is delighted to announce that Dr Pieter Hogenbirk, a current member and past chair of IFIP TC3 WG3.1, has been awarded the honour of Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau.
The Royal honour was bestowed for his outstanding contribution to innovation in education and for his support in introducing digital technology, STEM and internationalisation at local and national levels.
Pieter has been a long-standing and active member of IFIP TC3 WG3.1 and has shared his considerable experience and expertise with IFIP TC3 over many years. In terms of his national work, from 1988, he managed over 100 projects focusing on ICT in education, and from 1997 he became the national process manager concerned with integrating ICT in education on behalf of the Dutch Government.
As an inspector of education from 2000, he continued with special duties in ICT in education, while also being involved in several Dutch, European (eTwinning) and UNESCO projects and chairing IFIP TC3 WG3.1. From 2008, he was principal of the Helen Parkhurst Dalton School, and also presented at IFIP conferences and published papers about development and implementation of ICT uses in secondary schools. In 2014, he retired from his role as principal, but remained involved in ICT consultancy, program management and aspects of internationalisation in schools. He remains chair of the Union for Nature, Life and Technology, which is an interdisciplinary subject in secondary schools.
We hope you will join us in congratulating Pieter on this excellent and well-deserved honour!
Don Passey, Chair of IFIP TC3