You’re invited to participate in the IFIP TC3 Conference OCCE 2021 DTEL, “Digital Transformation of Education and Learning – Past, Present and Future”.
The conference, to be held from 17-20 August 2021, will reflect on the continuous development and future outlook of ICT and education. It also celebrates six decades of IFIP and five decades of the IFIP TC3 Working Group 3.4 for Professional, Higher and Vocational Education in ICT.
TC3 has secured three outstanding keynote speakers for the event::
- Associate Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso | Finland
Nationwide Research-Based Development of Education with Learning Analytics - Professor Minna Huotilainen | Finland
Well-learning – Changing Education with Perspectives from Well-being and E-learning - Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro | Finland
Digitalization, Learning and Resilience
OCCE 2021 is a hybrid conference. We work continuously to have a safe and productive conference and are constantly monitoring the pandemic situation. If you cannot attend OCCE 2021 in person due to circumstances, we will change your participation to be virtual.
We look forward to meeting you either onsite or online at Tampere University in August 2021!
Conference co-chairs: Prof. Mikko Ruohonen and Dr. Jaana Holvikivi
Registration: By 15 July, 2021 at OCCE 2021 DTEL
Conference Dates: 17-20 August, 2021