GROUP 2022/23, 8—11 January
The ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work is a premier yet intimate and welcoming venue for research on computer-supported cooperative work, sociotechnical studies, practice-centered computing, human computer interaction, computer-supported collaborative learning, and related endeavors. GROUP 2022/23 works to integrate new hybrid participation formats and encourage research into broader questions across society and computing, while being truly international and interdisciplinary in organizational structure as well as in participation. The event will be held in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA.
POPL 2023, 15—21 January
The 50th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages will be held in person in in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Co-located conferences are the Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI) and Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP). Workshops will cover deductive verification, random testing and verification, neuro-symbolic programming, incorrectness logic and under-approximation, and more. Keynote speakers are Sandrine Blazy (University of Rennes) and Cezary Kaliszyk (University of Innsbruck).
ASP-DAC 2023, 16—19 January
The Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference is the largest conference in Asia and South-Pacific regions on Electronic Design Automation (EDA) area for VLSI and systems offering an ideal opportunity to touch recent technologies and see future directions in LSI design and design automation areas with technical papers and tutorials. Tutorials will cover topics such as “Optimization Problems for Design Automation of Microfluidic Biochips,” “Cryogenic Memory Technologies,” and more. Keynote speakers will be Tadahiro Kuroda (University of Tokyo), Georges G.E. Gielen (KU Leuven), and Takuya Yasui (TSMC Japan Design Center). The event is being held in Tokyo Odaiba Miraikan, Japan.