The World Conference for Computers in Education (WCCE 2017) is shaping up as the educational event of the year. With the theme, “Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone”, the conference is organised by IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and hosted by the Irish Computer Society (ICS).

The event, from 3-6 July in Dublin Ireland, features keynote presentations by:

  • Ireland’s Digital Champion, Lord David Putnam,
  • Florida State University Professor Val Shute,
  • OECD Special Advisor on Education Policy, Andrew Schleicher,
  • Lead Coordinator of UNESCO’s YouthMobile Program, Davide Storti, and
  • Director of UNESCO’s Knowledge Societies Division, Dr Indrajit Banerjee.

International Program Committee Chair, Professor Don Passey, said the theme reflects the long-standing commitment to both learning and technology that has concerned members of IFIP Technical Committee 3 (TC3) and its working groups.

“Joining existing members of this internationally-recognised federation, we invite you to this conference, providing opportunity for us to continue that commitment and concern. We ask you, the researchers, policy makers, developers, teachers and learners to come together to share and discuss the current and the future, and how we will continue progress in the development and uses of technologies and computing for the benefit of all.”

For more information or to register to attend, visit