The deadline to submit papers for the annual conference of IFIP Working Group 8.6 is just four weeks away. February 28th is the cut-off for those interested in presenting at the conference, to be held at the University of Ghana in Accra from 21-22 June 2019.

With the theme, “ICT Unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption”, the event is designed to be a forum for scholars, practitioners and doctoral students to exchange ideas and collaborate with members of the IFIP community and others on the diffusion, adoption and implementation of ICT.

WG8.6 would like to receive research articles, case studies research-in-progress that address interesting aspect of ICT transfer and diffusion such as:

  • Desirable outcomes from technology adoption in developing countries
  • Unintended consequences of technology adoption and how to address technostress and cybercrime
  • Diffusion and effect of information technology for developing economies
  • Diffusion, transfer and implementation of both mature and immature smart information technologies and systems in organisations, sectors and countries
  • Transfer of technology to be incorporated in systems for customers and clients and in developing and developed countries.
  • Design, adoption and diffusion of technology in the emergency management, health, entertainment, government, political and criminal justice sectors
  • Identification of risk factors and barriers to success in emerging technology adoption and strategies for addressing them.
  • Methods to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness and value of technology transfer programs and approaches
  • Case studies of technology transfer and diffusion to provide instances to guide research, development, and practice.
  • Standards and intellectual property issues that inhibit or facilitate information technology transfer.
  • Ethics in the adoption of Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics, wearables and mobile technology.


For more information about the conference or to submit a paper, visit  or email any questions to  or

There will be a doctoral consortium on 20th June 2019 preceding the conference. UNESCO is giving some part funding, particularly aimed at female PhD candidates and early career faculty working at African Universities.