IFIP TC3 (Education) is proud to congratulate its Secretary and National Representative for Australia, Sharon Singh, on winning two prestigious teaching awards!
The first of these is the Peter Doherty Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education – Outstanding Teacher of STEM award. This award recognises teachers in the Australian State of Queensland who demonstrate outstanding and innovative contributions to STEM education. This year is the 18th year of these awards, named after Nobel Prize-winning scientist, Professor Peter Doherty.
On receiving the award, Sharon said:
“I am honoured and grateful to receive a 2021 Peter Doherty Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education state award. Despite the complexities and challenges of STEM education, this recognition and support, strongly affirm all educators in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics championing STEM education in schools, facilitating students into STEM subjects, and eventually into STEM careers. I am very humbled with this recognition by the Queensland Government, Australia, through this prestigious award named after a Brisbane-born Nobel Prize-winning scientist I have admired for many years.”
Sharon also received a finalist award in the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Schoolzine Merline Muldoon Memorial TEACHX Awards for Innovation in Teaching. Sharon’s innovative teaching focuses on contemporary areas of computing and technology education, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cybersecurity, robotics and emerging technologies. As a result, students studying in St John’s Anglican College, Brisbane can benefit from Sharon’s devotion and willingness to explore these important and emerging fields.
We continue to recognise the critical need to support teachers in developing computing and technology education practices – and Sharon is a shining example that we hope others will follow!