29June, 2020

AICA Delivers Landmark Training Program to Aid Schools in Digitisation

By |June 29th, 2020|ICT in Schools|0 Comments

AICA, the Italian Society for Computer Science, has launched U4JOB Essentials, a training program for digitisation in schools.

AICA is providing schools with free access to concrete proposals and solutions aimed at “promoting the development of digital culture and the dissemination of digital skills for students, teachers and non-teaching staff”, also in implementation of the Memorandum […]

29June, 2020

AICA Awards ETIC Prizes for Computer Ethics Theses

By |June 29th, 2020|Ethics|0 Comments

AICA (Italian Society for Computer Science) has partnered with Rotary International to present the annual ETIC Prizes for excellence in the field of computer ethics research.

The awards ceremony, held online on 18th June 2020, saw eight students receive prizes for their dissertations. 

AICA has cooperated with the Italian Districts of the Rotary International to promote the […]

31October, 2019

Congress 2019 and Italian Digital Literacy Forum

By |October 31st, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The 56th AICA Congress was held on 21-22 October at the Federico II University of Naples, organised in collaboration with the University of Naples. AICA is the Italian association that for over 50 years has been dedicated to the development of knowledge, training and digital culture. AICA is a member of IFIP, CEPIS and the […]

31January, 2019

AICA Elects New Leadership Team

By |January 31st, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

AICA, the Italian Association for Information and Computer Automation, has announced its new leadership team, electing a new president, vice president and treasurer/managing director at its January Steering Council meeting.

Giovanni Adorni, a full professor at the University of Genoa and the Italian national representative in IFIP’s TC 12 (Artificial Intelligence), will serve as AICA president […]