AICA (Italian Society for Computer Science) has partnered with Rotary International to present the annual ETIC Prizes for excellence in the field of computer ethics research.
The awards ceremony, held online on 18th June 2020, saw eight students receive prizes for their dissertations.
AICA has cooperated with the Italian Districts of the Rotary International to promote the ETICS prizes since 2010. The initiative, which enjoys the patronage of the Conference of the Rectors of the Italian Universities, recognises Masters and PhD theses defended in Italian Universities and covering topics relating to “computer ethics”.
ETIC’s aim is twofold: it aims to provide tangible recognition to young scientists who achieve important results in the field of computer ethics and it seeks to create awareness around this important and challenging topic.
In fact, technologies are an integral part of our personal and professional lives and we cannot live without them. Hence, it is compelling especially for the new generations to master the ethical and social implications related to the design, development and usage of information and communication technologies.
During the online ETIC ceremony held on June 18 2020, eight prizes were awarded, namely, six to Master theses and two to PhD theses. These awards were presented by the President of AICA, Giovanni Adorni, and by the Governors of the Districts 2031, 2050, 2100 and 2110 of the Rotary International.