IFIP members will be pleased to know that a Simplified Guide to IFIP IP3 Accreditation is currently being prepared and will be launched at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva in June.
IP3 has chosen WSIS as the launch event to demonstrate how IFIP can support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by pursuing professional practice amongst those who create, manage and operate ICT systems.
IP3 Vice Chairman, Standards and Accreditation, Adrian Schofield said, “As cybersecurity becomes the number one priority of governments around the world, as seems to be the case, we see that the weakest link in any security system is always the human interaction.
“Professionalism is the single most effective risk management strategy that ICT professionals and practitioners can put in place to counter this weakness. We encourage others to follow our example by gaining accreditation of IFIP members’ certification schemes,” he concluded.
IP3 Chairman, Brenda Aynsley, will launch the Guide as part of her team’s participation in the speaking program for delegates at WSIS.
The new publication will feature easier to read language, in recognition that many IFIP members speak English as a second language. It will also highlight the benefits to be gained from embracing the IFIP IP3 partnership, both in terms of accreditation and promoting the global ICT standard provided by the partnership to both practitioners/professionals and their employers.
The Guide also promises to explain the road to accreditation in simple terms, with offers of assistance from IFIP members who have already undertaken the assessment process to help expedite the journey for societies to achieve accreditation and mutual recognition.
Ms Aynsley said she will be available after WSIS concludes in mid-June to meet with Executive Committees and Professional Standards staff of IFIP Member Societies in Europe to personally explain the benefits of the IP3 partnership and the value of mutual recognition to their membership.
Look out for a letter from the IP3 Chair to the President of your Society/Institute in Europe in early March to offer a meeting and please contact IP3 at info@ipthree.org if you don’t receive it.
Asian region members will receive a similar letter in the lead-up to the IFIP GA later this year, but if any wish to talk about the Guide or IP3 accreditation now, please contact baynsley@ipthree.org at your convenience.