IFIP and its professional practice arm, IP3, will contribute to international thinking on critical issues relating to Artificial Intelligence and Society when the WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) Forum convenes in Geneva from 8-12 April 2019.
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum is a global United Nations (UN) multi-stakeholder platform facilitating the implementation of the WSIS Action Lines to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). April’s event will be the 10th Anniversary of the inaugural WSIS Forum.
IFIP will stage three events at WSIS Forum 2019, each organised and presented by key members of IP3: its Chair, Moira de Roche of South Africa, Deputy Chair, Yuko Murayama of Japan, and Board member, Raymond Morel of Switzerland. The IP3 events include a thematic workshop on Monday 8th April to showcase issues relating to: “Media and Information Literacy empowered by Artificial Intelligence for Diversity and Disaster” and on April 11th there will be a workshop exploring the topic: “As Innovative 4.0 Technologies including AI and algorithmic decision-making bring economic and societal benefits in many areas of our human endeavours, how do we maximise the benefits without exposing our Society to unnecessary consequences and risks?”
Given the global audience and involvement of significant players from key bodies ranging from ITU and UNESCO to the World Health Organisation and UNHCR, the WSIS Forum is always a major opportunity for IFIP leaders to influence and lead debate on how best to implement the SDGs.