The Internet Workshop Anti-Covid took place over two days from 22 to 23 June 2020. The goal was to initiate and integrate activities aiming at overcoming the problems concerning Covid-19 by using ICT tools and methods.
The scope was fairly comprehensive and comprised the following topics:
- Computing support for understanding Covid-19 and its implications (modelling and prediction of spread of the virus, modelling socio-economic implications, computer-supported diagnosis of Covid-19, bioinformatics aspects of Covid-19),
- ICT in protection against Covid-19 (safety vs. privacy, tracing infectious contacts),
- ICT in the times of pandemic (online education, virtual offices)
The workshop consisted of 9 invited lectures and 15 presentations selected by the Programme Committee. Every day the number of participants was over 100. More information about the workshop and its organization can be found on the following webpage (please note that most of the information is in Polish only):
Here you can find abstracts, slides and video recordings. There will be also a special issue of the Bulletin of the PAS: Technical Sciences (JCR Impact Factor 2019: 1.385) with a few selected papers covering the topics of the workshop. It is planned to organize another such workshop in 2021 under auspices of IFIP.