“Human Factors of Contemporary Cyber Security Issues” was the focus of a Master Class held in Sofia Bulgaria earlier this month, under the auspices of IFIP TC13 (Human-Machine Interactions HMI).
Held on February 8th, 2019 in the Grand Hall of the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, the Master Class was attended by more 80 professors, young scientists and doctoral students, who actively participated in the discussion.
The lecturers included Ambassador P. Apostolidis, former chief of the Greece Intelligent Service, General T. Boyadzhiev, former chief of the Bulgarian Intelligent Service, Colonel G. Kohalmi from Technical Service of Hungarian Intelligence, and Colonel M. Bogdanov of the Economy Service of former Soviet Intelligence.
The Master Class was organized by the University’s Cyber Security Laboratory and it is expected that this way of sharing ideas and enabling informal education will become a tradition in the near future.