IFIP’s International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3) will host a Thematic Workshop at the WSIS Forum in July, posing the question: Living the Standard – How Can the Information and Knowledge Society Live to an Ethical and FAIR Standard and Leave Nobody Behind?
To be held on Wednesday 15th July at noon (CEST), the workshop will be facilitated by IP3 chair, Moira de Roche and will feature a panel of experts from IFIP and beyond.
Topics to be addressed include:
- What role does a Code of Ethics play?
- Should an exemplar Code of Ethics, recently created by IFIP, be used as a starting point and if necessary be amended and augmented to suit specific situations? The plethora of Codes of Ethics – some 180+, does not improve the situation and allows people to pick the one that suits them best (confirmation bias).
- Complementing Codes of Ethics with Law and Regulation.
- As generally Codes of Ethics are not legally binding, have Law and Regulation stepped in to complement the gaps to improve the public’s trust in goods and services that use new technologies, including AI?
- How Can we Create Trust in Digital?
- Should we create and refine a body of knowledge, and an education program around how to behave as an ICT professional? The FAIR principal should dominate, must be included to the benefit of all: FAIR – Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable. Although this standard was set for data, it is applicable to every digital resource.
- Does a digitally skilled citizenry drive economic growth in all countries?
The WSIS Action lines C4, C5, and C10 are central in the workshop
- Capacity Building,
- Specifically building capacity and trust in the supply-side of ICT (C4)
- Building confidence & security in use of ICTs (C5)
- What concrete steps can be taken by different parties in the wake of the growth of cyber-crime, which has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic? Can IFIP, AI for Good, Rotary and security specialist organizations such as ECSO work together to reduce the scourge? Confidence and trust will be built as the Information Society – including consumers and users – becomes better educated on Digital Skills.
- Ethical Dimension of ICT (C10)
- Digital Ethics and Trust are being spoken about at every level. But how do we live an ethical life, without than having to consult a Code of Ethics. Is Trust reinforced by ethical behavior?
- IP3 chair, Moira de Roche
- Rotary Senior official – representing organizational leaders (To be confirmed)
- CSTD & IFIP: A Min Tjoa– Vice chair CSTD representing the IT community
- ICT Ethics specialist chair and writer of ACM and IFIP code of conduct – Don Gotterbarn (To be confirmed)
- CEN TC 428 member and representative ICT professional, Liesbeth Ruoff
- IFIP VP, technologist and lawyer – Anthony Wong, speaking on AI
After an introduction of no more than three minutes, each panelist will speak from three to five minutes. The remaining time will allow for questions from delegates, as well as further exploration into the topics by the panelists.
Click here for more information and to register for the session.