Thank you to the Slovak Society for Computer Science (SSCS) and SSCS President Professor Branislav Rovan for hosting the IFIP General Assembly at the Hotel Falkensteiner in Bratislava, Slovakia on September 19-20. The GA was preceded by meetings of the Technical Assembly, Member Society Assembly and IP3 on September 18.
Over the two days of GA meetings, IFIP Member Society representatives, Technical Committee chairs, IFIP officials and honorary members discussed a wide range of strategic issues including:
- IFIP Task Force on Digital Education
- Member Societies Assembly (MSA) Report and Election
- Development of a new IFIP website
- IFIP Strategy Plan
- IP3 activities
- IFIP Awards
- Springer Presentation and more.
The IFIP GA members were welcomed by the Slovak Republic Education Minister, Daniel Butora, Advisor to the Slovak Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatics, Peter Kopac and the Head of the Slovakia Digital Coalition, Mario Lelovsky.
Jan Gulliksen was re-elected as an IFIP Vice President, Aida Omerovic and David Cook were elected as new IFIP Councillors, and Rainer Malaka was re-elected as an IFIP Councillor.
IFIP President, Anthony Wong thanked immediate Past President, Mike Hinchey, and resigning Councillor, Jerzy Nawrocki (Poland), for their valuable contributions over many years to help develop the IFIP mission.