IFIP held its major election for the year at the General Assembly (GA) in Kiev, Ukraine, earlier this month. A fruitful round of meetings included the elections of a VP, Treasurer-elect, Secretary and four Councillor representatives.

IFIP President, Mike Hinchey, said the federation has been working on a key strategy document, which will be launched in 2020 as part of IFIP’s 60th Anniversary celebrations.

“We’ve designed a special celebratory logo to mark the anniversary year and IFIP has been invited by UNESCO, under whose auspices IFIP was founded, to celebrate this milestone at Maison de L’UNESCO in Paris.


“A special one-day event will be held in conjunction with the International Day for Universal Access to Information, which highlights issues of digital equity, internationalisation, open access and many other topics relevant to ICT and IFIP’s role as the peak association for ICT professional bodies,” he said.

The General Assembly discussed plans to expand IFIP’s membership, and is looking specifically to Africa and South America for potential new members in 2020. GA has also approved the first cohort of IFIP Fellows, who will be revealed in a future edition of IFIP Insights.

Below is a full list of the IFIP General Assembly, with the names in yellow representing those elected at the recent GA.

Title Name Years in Role
President Mike Hinchey (ex-off) 2016 – 2022
Vice President Anthony Wong (AU) 2019 – 2022
Vice President Yuko Murayama (JP) 2014 – 2020
Vice President Kai Rannenberg (DE) 2015 – 2021
Vice President Gabriela Marin Raventos (ex-off) 2016 – 2022
Treasurer Declan Brady (IRL) 2014 –2020
Treasurer Elect Milan Ftacnik (SK) 2019-2020
Secretary Max Bramer (ex-off) 2019-2022
Councillor Yasas Abeywickrama (LK) 2015 – 2021
Councillor Jee-In Kim (Korea) 2016-2022
Councillor Jerzy Nawrocki (PL) 2014-2020
Councillor (TA) Philippe Palanque (TC 13) 2019-2022
Councillor (MS) Liz Eastwood (NZ) 2019-2022
Councillor (Pr.) Raimundo Macedo (BR) 2015-2021
Councillor (IP3) Moira de Roche (ex. Off) 2019-2022
Councillor (MAL) Gerrit van der Veer (ACM) 2019-2022
General Secretary Eduard Dundler (AT) 2004-2022