ICT leaders from across the world will gather in Sri Lanka in September this year for a confluence of meetings and events that will bring together key decision-makers and experts from IFIP, SEARCC and CSSL.
From 12-13 September, IFIP’s peak decision-making forum, the General Assembly, will stage its annual meeting to decide on the global professional body’s priorities for the coming year and to progress key initiatives. This will be preceded by a day of meetings for various SEARCC and IFIP committees.
Then from 14-15 September, the 2017 SEARCC Conference in partnership with CSSL’s 35th National IT Conference will deliver two days of outstanding content and an unprecedented networking opportunity.
Billed as Sri Lanka’s biggest ever international ICT event, the combined NITC/SEARCC 2017 Conference will take advantage of IFIP’s and SEARCC’s international connections to showcase leading experts from across SE Asia, Europe and North America to share their knowledge and experience.
CSSL President, Yasas Abeywickrama said, “An event of this magnitude with such broad international participation has not occurred in Sri Lanka in the recent past in relation to the ICT sector. So, we truly believe that this is a golden opportunity for the ICT industry and the country at large.”
For more information, visit cssl.lk/images/pdf/searcc-2017-conference-with-nitc-and-ifip-general-assembly-international-sponorship-prospectus.pdf