World Conference on Computers in Education Issues Call for Papers

IFIP WCCE 2017 To Be Held in Dublin from 3-6 July Next Year, , with a Doctoral Consortium on 2 July


The world’s largest conference exploring the use of technology in education, WCCE 2017, has issued a Call for Papers, inviting potential speakers to submit papers around the theme: “Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone”.

An initiative of IFIP Technical Committee 3 – Education, WCCE 2017 will consider submissions from academics and researchers, ICT professionals, vendors and developers, teachers and their students and other stakeholders involved in the field of education.

Professor Don Passey, Chair of the International Programme Committee for WCCE 2017 said the event will provide a unique opportunity for those working in education to share their knowledge and ideas about the rapidly emerging practices of educational technologies and computer science education and the important role it will play in educating the next generation.

“We invite researchers, policy makers, developers, teachers and learners to come together to share and discuss the current and the future, and how we will continue to progress in the development and uses of technologies and computing for the benefit of all.”

Professor Passey said the choice of Ireland as the host nation for the event reflects that country’s current focus on innovation and learning as essential to its future.

“With three universities rated in the world’s top 50, together with a wealth of technology companies in the area, it is fitting that Ireland hosts this conference.”

Professor Passey said speakers are encouraged to present ideas relating to the following topics:

  • Future of technology for learning and education
  • Research and business solutions transformed into educational best practice
  • Computer Science Education and its future focus and development
  • Inclusive and adaptive technologies
  • Innovative practices with learning technologies
  • Examples of global and mobile opportunities used in developed and developing countries
  • Strategy and policy in education contexts and settings
  • Shaping the future for ‘Digital Citizens’
  • Learning analytics and ethical issues
  • Critical concerns about how and whether technologies support or extend learning
  • The ever-blurring boundaries of formal, informal and non-formal learning


Next year’s event will build on a rich legacy of WCCEs dating back to 1970 when the first WCCE was held as a special activity during the UNESCO International Year of Education.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 3rd February 2017. For more information, visit