
27November, 2016

Serbia Commemorates Day of Computer Experts

By |November 27th, 2016|Events, IFIP|0 Comments

Serbia celebrated its first Day of Computer Experts on 18th November this year, marking the day with a conference on the premises of “Mihajlo Pupin” institute in Belgrade.

The Informatics Association of Serbia made the decision at its general assembly earlier in the year, choosing 18th November as the anniversary of the ETRAN conference in […]

27May, 2016

Serbia Marks 20 Years of Internet

By |May 27th, 2016|IFIP|0 Comments

A special conference to commemorate 20 years of Internet access in Serbia was held in the congress hall of the University of Belgrade in February – the same hall where the introduction of internet was first announced in 1996.

Attendees were greeted by the highest representatives of the University of Belgrade and Ministry of Education, Science […]