About 60 researchers at all career levels participated in this year’s IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management, held at the University of Oslo, Norway, on 8-11 August 2023. The event is an annual conference, co-organized by IFIP WG 9.2, WG 11.6, and WG 9.6/11.7. After three virtual editions due to the pandemic, it was a great pleasure to be able to enjoy all the benefits of a physical event again.
Putting a special focus on “Sharing (in) a Digital World”, the main objective of the event was to bring together junior and senior researchers with different perspectives on the school’s topic, including but not limited to legal, technical, sociological or economic backgrounds.
The varied program included lectures on ongoing research as well as various workshops and tutorials on the theme of the Summer School. The program was complemented by eight keynote lectures by renowned persons such as Wojciech Wiewiórowski (European Data Protection Supervisor) or Marit Hansen (State Data Protection Commissioner of Land Schleswig-Holstein). Generous breaks and social events allowed for inspiring discussions between researchers from the topic areas and career levels represented.
After evaluating all presentations, the Best Presentation Award of the summer school was presented to two winners: Ramona Schmidt for her paper entitled, “Who is the attacker – Analyzing data protection violations in health care” and Felix Hermsen for his paper on “Privacy and Utility Evaluation of Synthetic Data for Machine Learning”.
The school’s organizers would like to thank Forum Privatheit and IFIP TC 11 for their generous support, as well as all participants and presenters of the event. Furthermore, the Steering Committee would like to express its sincere thanks to the organizers for a successful and enjoyable event.
Next year’s Summer School will take place at the Universidad Politénica de Madrid, Spain. Further details will be published soon on the school’s website: https://ifip-summerschool.org/.