Interest is growing in HCC12, to be held in Salford, UK this September. The 12th IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers (HCC12) Conference has attracted unprecedented interest from researchers, practitioners and journalists around the world for its focus on technology and sexuality.
With keynote speakers including Professor Charles Ess from the University of Oslo on: “What’s love got to do with it? Robots, sexuality, and the art of being human”, the conference looks set to attract a strong media contingent, with interest already expressed from publications in the UK, Finland, Sweden, China and the US.
Technical Committee 9 (TC9) is the group within IFIP focused on Social Accountability and Computing. HCC12 Program Committee Chair, Dr David Kreps of Salford University, said the event will consider the latest research and theories about how humans engage with robots, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other forms of technology to explore issues of intimacy and sexuality.
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