Call for Papers

29November, 2017

Call for Papers for Special Issue of Journal of Information & Knowledge, Elsevier

By |November 29th, 2017|Home Slider, IFIP|0 Comments

Knowledge engineering and management applied to sustainability & innovation.

IFIP Working Group 12.6 is seeking papers for a special issue of the Journal of Information & Knowledge.

The objective of this special Issue is to gather contributions from both researchers and practitioners to discuss methodological, technical and organizational aspects, feedback from application of knowledge engineering and management […]

31October, 2017

IFIP TC9 Announces Call for Papers for HCC13

By |October 31st, 2017|Events, Home Slider, IFIP, WCC|0 Comments

Submissions Invited to Address Question of “ICT and Climate Change – What Can We Do?”

IFIP Technical Committee 9 (TC9) has announced a Call for Papers for its biennial Human Choice and Computers (HCC) Conference, HCC13, to be held in Poznan, Poland on 19-21 September 2018.

With the theme, “This Changes Everything”, HCC13 will explore a broad […]