Knowledge engineering and management applied to sustainability & innovation.
IFIP Working Group 12.6 is seeking papers for a special issue of the Journal of Information & Knowledge.
The objective of this special Issue is to gather contributions from both researchers and practitioners to discuss methodological, technical and organizational aspects, feedback from application of knowledge engineering and management techniques to sustainability and successful innovation.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to propose recent advances in methodologies, models and tools for managing knowledge in organizations and to discuss experiences.
Papers are welcomed in any research area concerning sustainability, eco-design, knowledge engineering and management, innovation, artificial intelligence, information systems, and the knowledge economy. Target applications of this research and real-world practice case studies include the following: industry, medicine, biology, design, manufacturing, logistics, education, telecommunications, automotive, aeronautics and space, tourism, social, etc.
Innovation needs knowledge to succeed and generates various impacts including environmental. Many research works have been completed in separate disciplines such as design and eco-design, manufacturing, logistics, ecology, economy, artificial intelligence, knowledge management, complex systems and some others.
The consideration of environmental issues in product/service development can modify the whole process: objectives, outputs, resources, processes and performance indicators of a company.
Sustainable design and production considering renewable materials, recycling, energy optimization and design for transition connected with economic and social objectives (implication of stakeholders, sharing knowledge, considering cultural and social aspect, etc.) are more or less considered in proactive or prescriptive way.
For more information about the special issue, visit
The deadline has been extended to January 15, 2018.