Photo caption: Neil at the UK National Teaching Awards where he received his National Teaching Fellowship. Photo supplied.

Working Group 9.2 (Social Accountability and Computing) has been reinvigorated under new leadership and is keen to hear from existing and potential new members with ideas about where it should best focus its efforts. 

The new chair, Professor Neil Gordon (University of Hull, UK), said, “Given the increasing importance and impact of computers on the world, and the issues where systems go wrong or are misused, we need to consider the human aspects more than ever – for our users and all those affected by our systems. This is particularly the case with the growing impact of Generative AI, with its potential to affect all sorts of jobs and activities, from health to education, and from business to politics.” 

Neil is keen to hear from other members of IFIP with any ideas or proposals for areas or activities that the group can focus on or support, whether from other working groups, or individuals. He would also like to hear from potential new members for WG 9.2 – if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Neil with a brief outline of your interest in this and what you could contribute.

Neil and some BCS colleagues explored some of these challenges from a mainly UK perspective earlier in the year. You can read the report at Living with AI and emerging technologies: Meeting ethical challenges through professional standards | BCS

Neil said they hope to launch some activities and opportunities in the coming months.

You can contact Neil at or visit 

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