IFIP TC12 (AI) joined forces with the Order of Engineers in Portugal to stage a one day Symposium in the lead up to the IFIP General Assembly and Technical Assembly meetings in Lisbon. 

TC12 Chair, Eunika Mercier-Laurent was a speaker and panel host at the event, which had as its theme: “Navigating the 3rd Hype of AI: Empowering Humans-A Crucial Discussion for Our Future”.

The symposium comprised four panels:

  1. Let’s chat about AI, the Hype, Multiple impacts and the Future, which was moderated by Eunika Mercier-Laurent with participation from Arlindo Oliveira, Joao Leite, Cecilia Martins, Ernesto Costa and Paulo Dimas;
  2. Let’s chat about Synergy Humans-AI, Responsible AI
  3. Let’s chat about Real Applications and Climate impact, or what is AI really good for?
  4. Let’s chat about Ethics and also Education 

(Caption: The first panel on AI, the Hype, Multiple Impacts and the Future)

Congratulations to the organising team on staging a successful event!

Organising Team: 

  • Vasco Amaral (Coordinator – Ordem dos Engenheiros, NOVA FCT, NOVA LINCS)
  • Nuno Nunes (Ordem dos Engenheiros, Critical Software)
  • Paulo Novais (LASI – Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes, Universidade do Minho)
  • Eunika Mercier-Laurent (IFIP TC12-AI, University of Reims)
  • Cláudia Antunes (INESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico)
  • Vítor Santos (NOVA IMS)
  • Beatriz Martins (Ordem dos Engenheiros – Gabinete de relações exteriores)
  • Marta Ramos  (Ordem dos Engenheiros – Gabinete de relações exteriores)
  • João Gens (Ordem dos Engenheiros – Gabinete de relações exteriores)