IFIP Working Group 8.3 on Decision Support is staging a virtual seminar on Friday 7th May on the topic: AI for Decision Intelligence – Using AI/ML to Address Real Decision Problems.

Hosted by Cork Business School, the two-hour event features a presentation by Dr Arkady Zaslavsky, a Professor of Distributed Systems & Security at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.

Arkady is leading and participating in R&D projects in Internet of Things, mobile analytics and context-awareness science areas. He was a technical leader of the EU Horizon-2020 project bIoTope – building IoT Open Innovation Ecosystem for connected smart objects.

Professor Zaslavsky holds Adjunct-Professorship appointments with a number of Australian and International universities, including La Trobe University, University of Luxembourg and ITMO University, St Petersburg.

A Senior Member of ACM, a Senior Member of IEEE Computer and Communication Societies, Zaslavsky has published more than 400 research publications throughout his professional career and supervised to completion more than 45 PhD students.

The event will also include a Practitioner Discussion Panel comprising a panel of industry experts:

  • Alan Duncan, Distinguished Vice President, Gartner Research
  • Fatima Dargam, SimTech Simulation Technology, REACH Consultancy
  • Dragana Miljković, Chief Science Officer, OPTYTEK
  • Kieran O’Driscoll, Head of Advanced Analytics for HEINEKEN Ireland

For more information please contact IFIP WG 8.3 Chair Professor Ciara Heavin at c.heavin@ucc.ie