The challenges and opportunities emerging with the societal impact of digital technologies was the topic addressed during the last TC3 Open Conference on Computers in Education hosted by the Austrian Society of Informatics in Linz (25-28 June 2018).
“Empowering the Learner for Life in the Digital Age” means addressing the omnipresence of digital technologies, their increasing accessibility and power to shape action and perception, through the development of learners’ understanding and application of creativity, computational thinking, media literacy and digital citizenship.
OCCE2018 gathered 150 participants (including 30 teachers) from 31 countries and offered the opportunity for three keynotes, 62 presentations, two symposia and a doctoral consortium. The papers selected by the international program committee will be published in a post conference book edited by Rosa Bottino (IT) and Don Passey (UK).
The International Program Committee was led by Eric Sanchez and Cathy Lewin with Anton Knierzinger heading the Organising Committee.