In 2021, Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) launched its Tech-Innovation Development Program (TIDP) to help promote and encourage IT innovation and research in Nigeria. To this end, NCS brought together young innovators for a five-day Bootcamp from 13–17 February 2023 with the theme of “Finishing Bootcamp/Innovation Workshop”.
The Bootcamp included:
- Technical Sessions/Master Class
- Development of a go-to-market strategy
- Product valuation
- Intellectual Property (IP) & Patent right guide
- Interactive sessions
- Teams – Mentors meeting
- Teams Brainstorming
The Technical Sessions covered different areas including: Incubating New Generation Unicorns, Advanced Coding Skills for Building World Class IT Products, Systematic strategies for evaluating evolving technological products, and Testing & Preparing New Software Solutions for System Assurance and Performance Integrity. The Bootcamp also enabled the young innovators to network and interact with experts in these areas.
The NCS ITDP is sponsored by Dr Leo Stan Ekeh, CEO of Zinox Technologies, a world class ICT company dedicated to providing innovative products and solutions. Also in attendance were high-profile experts from the IT sector and academia.

TIDP Bootcamp – At middle. President of NCS, Prof. Adesina Sodiya; Dr Leo Stan Ekeh, Chairman/CEO Zinox Technologies Ltd; NCS Deputy President, Dr Muhammad Sirajo Aliyu; Steering Committee & Innovators

Young Innovators at the IDTP Bootcamp with the Steering Committee