IFIP’s 60th Anniversary celebrations are rapidly gaining momentum with a kaleidoscope of events being staged around the world.

In addition to the series of virtual panels highlighted in a previous article in this issue, there are also numerous sessions, workshops and conferences paying tribute to IFIP’s enormous contributions to the world of ICT over the past 60 years.

In the past week alone, we’ve seen several events staged in blended and virtual environments, including the TC3 Conference OCCE 2021 DTEL, AI Ethics and Governance Panel at IJCAI-21 and InterYit Blumar Youth IP Conclave, each of which are discussed in separate articles in this issue.

Upcoming events include:

  • 30 Aug-3 Sept – INTERACT 2021, the 18th International Conference promoted by IFIP TC 13 on Human-Computer Interaction. The theme of INTERACT 2021 “Sense, Feel, Design” highlights the new challenges of interaction design.
  • 30 Aug-3 Sept – IFIP TC7 2021 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, exploring issues ranging from optimization and control, inverse problems, imaging science, operations research and biomedical sciences.
  • 31 August – CSSL Panel on Digital Citizenship, Safety and Hygiene, organised as part of the launch of “We Think Digital”, this event will feature senior executives from Sri Lanka’s Minister of Education, Facebook, LIRNAsia, ICTA and more. 
  • 31 August – CALCO 2021, the 9th Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, organised by IFIP WG1.3, will run as a hybrid event from Salzburg, Austria.
  • 6-9 Sept – EGOV2021, a joint conference on EGOV-CeDEM-ePart. Organised by WG8.5, the conference represents the merger of the group’s Electronic Government (EGOV) and  Electronic Participation (ePart) with the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government Conference (CeDEM).
  • 27 Sept-1 Oct – Informatik 2021 – the first event from Germany within the IFIP jubilee year will consider the topic, “Computer Science & Sustainability”. Located in Berlin, the event will explore topics such as Green IT, resource conservation, use of smart technologies and system optimization. 
  • 29 September – Frontier Technologies for Sustainable Development will provide an open forum for experts, thought leaders and researchers to explore how emerging and transformational computing technologies such as artificial intelligence, smart sensing, knowledge discovery and data analytics can support sustainable development in the area of health, wellbeing and equality. Based at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, the event will involve leading experts from WSU, Flinders University, CSIRO, NSW Health, Amazon Web Services and ACS.