Tuesday 16 February 2016: ICT professionals and government policy makers wanting to present their strategies for progressing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals at the IFIP World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) 2016 have two weeks to submit their papers and demo proposals for review.
March 1st 2016 is the deadline for submissions, with the event scheduled to be held in San Jose, Costa Rica from 12-14 September this year.
An initiative of the global ICT professional body, IFIP, (International Federation for Information Processing), WITFOR 2016 is being held in collaboration with the Costa Rican Public Universities under the theme of ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment.
A biennial conference, WITFOR 2016 seeks to bring together ICT thought leaders from industry, government, academia and the professional community to discuss ways to reach the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The goal is to show how technology can improve global conditions by reducing poverty and hunger, achieving universal education, promoting gender equality, ensuring environmental sustainability, combating disease and reducing mortality.
The WITFOR Program Committee welcomes papers from government decision-makers, researchers, ICT practitioners and academics with presentation options ranging from long or short papers to technical demonstrations and case studies.
Topics are expected to span the full gamut of human, environmental and economic development issues, including the digital divide, e-government and e-readiness, sustainable energy, poverty, health, education, human rights, biodiversity, natural disaster response and more.
Local Organising Chair, Gabriela Marin, said WITFOR 2016 will be a unique opportunity for ICT professionals, researchers and their stakeholders to demonstrate their vision for using technology to improve lives in developing countries.
“We invite potential presenters to dream how they can change the world through ICT and to apply their influence and expertise help make it a fairer and safer place for all mankind,” she said.
For more information about WITFOR 2016, visit http://www.witfor2016.org
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The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) was initiated by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and has been held periodically since 2003 with past events in Lithuania, (2003), Botswana, (2005), Ethiopia (2007), Vietnam (2009) and India (2012). WITFOR brings together senior policy-makers, academics, NGOs and GOs representatives, ICT experts and the private ICT sector to explore ways to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations. The event seeks to improve global conditions by reducing poverty and hunger; achieving universal education; promoting gender equality; ensuring environmental sustainability; combating diseases and reducing mortality.
About IFIP
IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing, is the global professional federation of societies and associations for people working in Information and Communications Technologies and Sciences. Established under the auspices of UNESCO in 1960 and recognised by the United Nations, IFIP represents ICT professional associations from more than 50 countries and regions with a total membership of over half a million. It also brings together more than 3,500 scientists from industry and academia, organising them into over 100 Working Groups and 13 Technical Committees to conduct research, develop standards and promote information sharing. Based in Austria, IFIP organises and supports over 100 conferences each year, fostering the distribution of research and knowledge to academics and industry practitioners alike.
Website: http://ifip.org
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ifipnews
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ifip—international-federation-for-information-processing
Caroline New: caroline@quantumvalues.com
Shuba Paheerathan: shuba@quantumvalues.com