IP3 (International Professional Practice Partnership) has elected Australia’s Anthony Wong as its new deputy chair at its Board meeting last week.
IP3 chair, Moira de Roche said she was very pleased to see Anthony take on the deputy chair role. “I am delighted that Anthony has accepted this role: he has been involved with IP3, is the IFIP and ACS representative, and is always very supportive. The board and I congratulate Anthony,” she said.
An experienced ICT lawyer and former CIO, Anthony is the immediate past president of ACS (Australian Computer Society), where he has served two separate terms as president, a member of the IFIP Board and a past president of SEARCC (South East Asian Regional Computer Confederation).
Through his various roles and initiatives, Anthony has consistently worked to promote ICT professional standards and ethics as a way of ensuring that ICT systems and products are trustworthy.
“As Innovative 4.0 Technologies including AI and algorithmic decision-making bring economic and societal benefits in many areas of our endeavours, how do we maximise the benefits without exposing humanity to unnecessary consequences and risks?” Anthony said.
He plans to continue building awareness of ICT professionalism and the importance of governance, trust, duty of care and accountability to minimize any adverse impacts as technologies are being integrated in virtually every sector of the economy and society, to support and in many cases undertake more autonomous decisions and actions.