INFORMATIK 2016, the 46th annual Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) conference, will take place from 26 to 30 September 2016 in Klagenfurt, the capital of Austria’s most southern state Carinthia.

The conference will focus on concept that the future of the IT sector must be built around people: their expectations, needs and resources in fast-paced work environments and private lives. Technology has to adapt to the people and not vice versa, and therefore has to be manageable, unobtrusive and understandable.

This theme will be addressed by a series of events, including:

  • “Informatics Day” featuring keynote speakers like Michael Wooldrige from Oxford University and Hanns-Thomas Kopf, the CEO of Atos CEE,
  • “Economy Day” with keynote speakers like Infineon Austria CEO Sabine Herlitschka and Michael May, Head of the Technology Field Business Analytics & Monitoring at Siemens Munich,
  • over 40 workshops, eight of them mainly conducted in English,
  • Tutorials, seminars and symposia,
  • the 39th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence KI 2016 (in English)
  • the 14th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies MATES 2016 (in English),
  • the working conference  D-A-CH Security
  • the 5th D-A-CH Conference on Energy Informatics, and
  • the student conference SKILL.

The scientific and professional programme will be rounded off by a series of social events and leisure activities in Carinthia’s incomparably beautiful and unique historic landscape where three cultures and cultures meet: the Romanian, the Slavic and the German.

Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to communicate, network and deepen your understanding of these issues. Registration is open until 25 September 2016.

Explore the Conference website at