IFIP Working Group 11.1 – Information Security Management, has announced its new leadership team after completing its election of officers.
The new Chair is Murray E. Jennex: Gensler Professor of Computer Information Systems, Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business, West Texas A&M University USA and Professor Emeritus, San Diego State University USA, mjennex@wtamu.edu

The Vice Chair is Ella Kolkowska: Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Örebro University, Sweden, Vice Chair, ella.kolkowska@oru.se
The Secretary is Paul Haskell-Dowland: Associate Dean for Computing and Security in the School of Science, Edith Cowan University, Australia, Secretary, p.haskelldowland@ecu.edu.au

The working group is actively recruiting new members; see the WG 11.1 website to apply for membership. Additionally, the working group is looking for new research and publishing opportunities.
Please send any announcements or updates to any of the officers and their emails above.