IFIP’s senior leaders will host a workshop on AI Governance as part of the inaugural UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) AIM Global Forum.

The IFIP workshop, featuring IFIP President Anthony Wong, IFIP General Secretary Anatolii Marushchak and IFIP TC3 Chair Don Passey, is entitled: AI Governance: from Education to Regulations. 

It will take place on Tuesday 10th December 2024 from 10-11am (Vienna time), in the lead up to the UNIDO AIM Global (Global Alliance on Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Manufacturing) Forum. 

This session will bring together leading academics and professionals to discuss the latest trends and innovations in education and regulation that are and will be influencing the future of humanity. It will also feature a special presentation on the IFIP Task Force final report on “Sustaining relevant digital inclusive education for young people (5-18 years of age)” with regard to AI frontiers.

The discussion will provide a platform for sharing academic research and professionals’ opinion on legal applications of the AI frontiers developments, encouraging collaboration between IFIP and industry leaders.

IFIP Member Societies representatives, volunteers and other colleagues are kindly invited to participate in the discussion.