IFIP Technical Committee 9 (TC9 – ICT and Society) has announced the launch of its new website at www.ifiptc9.org. Here you can find introductory details about the activities of (and links to) its various Working Groups: on Computers and Work, Social Accountability, Developing Countries, Virtuality, Law, History, Gender, Sustainability, and Peace and War.
There is also a publications list going back to the 1970s, with details about the history of TC9’s flagship conference, Human Choice and Computers (HCC), since its first gathering in 1974.
The Editorial for HCC12, ‘Human Choice and Computers: An ever more intimate relationship’ is available in this section of the site, detailing the history of the conference.
The News page will keep visitors to the TC9 website up to date with both TC9 and broader IFIP news. Photographs from the last HCC, at MediaCityUK, Salford Quays, Greater Manchester, are included from the TC9 Flickr page.
To receive TC9’s annual Spring newsletter, type www.ifiptc9.org/members/ into your browser to visit the private sign-up page.
The website has been built by TC9’s new Chair, David Kreps, on the WordPress platform, and free hosting has been generously provided by British North West User Experience specialists, SigmaUK – part of the Swedish based multinational.