TC7 announces the initiation of its Virtual Seminar Series, which will run on a monthly basis starting in February.
The primary purpose of this Series is to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences and recent developments of researchers from all nations, especially during these difficult times when we cannot travel and interact in person. All members of IFIP TC7 are invited to attend.
The first virtual seminar will be at 12pm (EST USA) on 2nd February, featuring Professional Christian Clason of Germany’s University of Duisburg-Essen, speaking on the topic: “Optimal control of non-smooth partial differential equations”.
Clason, who chairs IFIP WG7.4, will explore PDE-constrained optimisation problems where the PDE constraint involves Lipschitz continuous but not classically differentiable terms. Correspondingly, the control-to-state mapping is not differentiable either, and classical approaches fail. In particular, there exists a zoo of optimality conditions of different strengths, roughly corresponding to different generalized derivatives of the control-to-state mapping. We derive such optimality conditions for model problems and discuss how they can be used for their numerical solution. This talk is based on joint work with Constantin Christof, Christian Meyer, Vu Huu Nhu, and Arnd Rösch.
For more information, please visit: