IFIP TC3 and its working groups will meet in Linz, Austria in June next year for OCCE.2018 to explore the challenges and opportunities in education emerging with the societal impact of digital technologies.

OCCE.2018 will be hosted by the Austrian Computer Society and people interested in presenting at the conference are invited to submit papers for consideration. With the theme of “Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age”, OCCE.2018 will be held from 25-28 June with a Doctoral Consortium meeting on 24 June.

Topics will include areas such as:

  • Computational thinking and design and systems thinking
  • Computer science education
  • Creativity and leadership
  • Datafication and learning analytics
  • Digital and media literacy and agency
  • Digital citizenship, responsibility, ethics and digital security
  • Digital natives versus digital natives
  • Game-based learning and behavioural patterning
  • Inclusion and adaptive technologies
  • Innovative learning with emerging technologies
  • Scalability and sustainability
  • Shifting landscapes in strategies, policies and curricula
  • Schools and technology addiction
  • Tech-free schools
  • OER Open educational resources


Linz was the European Cultural Capital in 2009 and is the UNESCO City of Media Arts, which is genuinely unique. The superbly-preserved Old Town isn’t the only place where the connection between this legendary eco-friendly city and its long history is evident.

For more information about OCCE.2018 or to register your attendance, please have a look on the conference website (http://occe.2018.ocg.at) or contact the LOC (Local Organizing Committee) by email  (occe.2018@ocg.at).