The IFIP TC3 World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE 2022) is the latest four-yearly conference of IFIP’s Technical Committee on Education (TC3), which will be held in Hiroshima, Japan as a hybrid event (with both face-to-face and online participation) from August 20th to 24th, 2022.
The overall focus of the IFIP TC3 WCCE 2022 conference will be “Towards a Collaborative Society through Creative Learning”. As the world is increasingly interconnected and complex, the need for more critical and creative thinkers as well as for people able to fruitfully collaborate with others is increasing.
Creative strategies must be implemented in education so that citizens, in general, and students at all levels, in particular, are better prepared to create new and meaningful forms of ideas, take risks, be flexible and cooperative.
IFIP TC3 WCCE 2022 will enable researchers, policy makers and practitioners to take an active role and be involved in discussions to consider concerns and approaches for the future of technology for empowering teaching, training and professional development with ICT and in Computer Science.
Participants will be able to discuss key issues, such as the importance of ensuring digital equity and access, and how we can achieve this for communities widely, or demonstrate and illustrate examples of global and mobile opportunities, used for educational purposes in developed and developing countries.
Details are available on the website – please revisit to check updates and additions.
Hiroshima is an ideal location for IFIP TC3 WCCE 2022. It can be easily reached from the primary international airports and has a great deal to offer its national and international guests. It has two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) and the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine.