To be held on June the 4th, 2019 in Paris, this workshop on Computer Science Education is a follow-up of previous explorations in the French community (Orphée RDV, EIAH 2017, RJC-EIAH 2018).

For the first time, this workshop will be co-organized with the ANR project IE CARE (Informatics at school, 3-16 years) and IFIP TC3 – ICT and Education (WG 3.1).

The main objective of this workshop series is to gather a community interested in teaching / learning Computational Thinking (CT) and coding skills from kindergarten to university to share views and achieve a common understanding of Issues, challenges and ways forward.

There has been a tremendous push to introduce CT and coding in schools in France (from primary to high school levels), and one can witness similar moves at varying degrees in Switzerland, Belgium and elsewhere. Other countries such as the UK and Italy have already deployed these subjects at a national level.

The joint event will provide an opportunity for ICT professionals and teachers to share views and concerns about teaching CT and coding at scale, through experience feedbacks and sharing participant reports.

We particularly welcome contributions about how these subjects have been implemented in classes and their assessment, as well as teacher training and coaching / scaffolding.

We will take the opportunity of the workshop to initiate the writing of a synthesis article based on the contributions for submission to STICEF (French speaking journal) and / or Education and Information Technologies Journal.

Papers can address the following issues:

  • Teaching / learning Computational Thinking and programming.
  • Teacher training and coaching / scaffolding.
  • Production, evaluation and diffusion of tools and educative resources.


Papers can be submitted in English or French and should be 4 to 8 pages long in PDF following the LNCS format. All papers will go through a double review by the scientific committee. Accepted papers can also be presented in both languages. Please submit proposals to
This Call for Papers is also available here :

Participation in the workshop requires a registration. French speaking participants are also very welcome to register to the EIAH conference.

Important dates

  • Submissions DL: 31 March 2019
  • Review status : 26 April 2019
  • Final versions : 17 May 2019
  • Workshop : 4 June 2019

For more information, please contact Christophe Reffay : (IFIP TC3 member, French representative)