IFIP is sad to announces the death of Jakob Vlietstra in Ukiah CA, USA.
Jakob was born in the Netherlands and ended his career as IT Director and ex-Officer in the Dutch Merchant Navy.
He spent 33 years in Information Technology, including eight years as a programmer (scientific and engineering applications) and five years as a researcher in areas including computer languages, compilers, operational research techniques, computer aided technologies, and mathematical applications. He founded the technical journal “Computers in Industry” (1979), and the series of international CAPE (Computer Applications in Production Engineering) conferences around the world.
He founded and chaired IFIP Working Group 5.2 on Computer Aided Design (1972-1975), chaired IFIP TC5 (Applications in Technology) from 1977-1983 and was a member of the Program Committees of IFIP’s World Congresses in Toronto (1977) and Dublin (1986).
Jakob was awarded an IFIP Silver Core Award in 1977 and retired as an Honorary Member of IFIP WG 5.3 and IFIP TC5. He was a member of IFAC/IFIP Task Force and IFIP Working Group WG 5.12 on Enterprise Integration.