To increase access to IFIP experts and provide new ways for people to learn more about what IFIP is doing, we have launched the IFIP YouTube Channel showcasing recent interview segments with key people.

Initially, the site features interviews with IFIP President Mike Hinchey on his vision for the international association and IFIP IP3 Chair Brenda Aynsley on the work they are doing to drive professionalism in ICT.

You can access the videos via the IFIP News site or subscribe to the IFIP YouTube Channel

Stay tuned for new video content to be added regularly. We also invite our Member Societies, Technical Committees and Working Groups to contribute videos for inclusion on the IFIP YouTube Channel.

We welcome recordings from IFIP events and conferences as well as short interviews with keynote speakers and experts talking about issues of relevance to our membership.

Please contact to submit video content for consideration.