IFIP IP3 (International Professional Practice Partnership) is again taking the opportunity afforded by the WSIS (World Summit for the Information Society) to showcase IFIP’s work in support for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The world’s largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community, the WSIS Forum provides a platform for multi-stakeholder cooperation, information exchange and implementation of the WSIS Action Lines to ensure that ICTs remain a key enabler in achieving the SDGs.
This year’s theme is ICTs for Well-Being, Inclusion and Resilience: WSIS Cooperation for Accelerating Progress on the SDGs.
IFIP IP3 has been involved in the WSIS Forum since 2012, presenting workshops and high-level talks at each event.
This year, IFIP IP3 Chair Moira de Roche will lead a panel workshop on Monday 30th May on the topic of, “The ‘Monster’ that is threatening global destruction can transform into the world’s saviour. (Mobilising the hi-tech sector to ensure a sustainable world by solving the problems caused by the development and use of modern technologies.)” We’ll provide more details on this in our May issue.
Ms de Roche earlier presented at the WSIS Inauguration event on 15th March, highlighting IFIP’S pragmatic approach to driving professionalism across the ICT sector.
“When the Sustainable Development Goals were launched at the beginning of 2016, this gave all the IFIP structures a focal point,” she told the global WSIS audience.
“Also in 2016, IP3 launched a campaign, “IFIP’s Duty of Care in Everything Digital”. This focused our attention on Trust and why it is a vital requirement for achieving the goals. IFIP IP3 also changed its tagline to read “Partnering for trust in digital”, and we have used this as the theme for all IP3 workshops since 2017,” she explained.
Ms de Roche also pointed to IFIP’s launch of its Code of Ethics in 2018 as a further measure to build trust. The code was based on the existing ACM Code of Ethics, with IFIP engaging in widespread consultations with its members to refine and adapt the code to make it relevant to everyone in ICT.

IFIP IP3 Chair, Moira de Roche