Ulandi Exner, President, IITPSA speaks to IFIP, explains the importance of international collaboration and how South Africa’s active participation in IFIP TCs and WGs as well as IP3, has benefits that flow back.

So IITPSA is a member of of IFIP and IFIP as we all know was started by UNESCO and is a global organization. The benefits to our members is the fact that they’re exposed to global thinking and global thought leadership and the benefits to the Institute obviously is the involvement and the collaboration that we have with the international professional organization and body.

Like any other organization the member benefits is derived from what you put into it as well.


South Africa is quite active, participating in IFIP TCs and WGs as well as IP3, so does some of that flow back to benefit your country?

Absolutely. Whatever work is done at the IFIP level as well as the IP3 level it gets trickled back into South Africa and we apply those practices within our own organization and society and we relay the messages to our members.