Once again, a team including Mike Hinchey, Anthony Wong, Moira de Roche, and Amit Joshi (InterYIT) represented IFIP at WSIS 2022. It was wonderful to be there in person after a two-year hiatus. Apart from the events we attended and the presentations we made, we also took the opportunity to meet with senior official at ITU and CSTD.
IP3 held a Thematic Workshop on 30 May 2022. The session, ‘The “Monster” that is threatening global destruction can transform into the world’s saviour’ considered ‘Mobilising the hi-tech sector to ensure a sustainable world by solving the problems caused by the development and use of modern technologies, with a focus on the Metaverse’. The session was well attended with a total of about 38 attendees (In person and virtual). Here is a link to the session recording. We announced that IFIP will start the process of developing a “Metaverse for Good” movement. We are also working with the relevant departments in ITU to contribute to work in AI, cybersecurity and helping with pathways for training in developing nations. Some quotes:
- “We call it the metaverse, young people call it life” – Robin Raskin
- “I have a vision how we can harness this limitless power (of innovative and disruptive technologies) to deal with two critical global issues that beg immediate resolution- the issue of climate change and the issue of unequitable education.” Eliezer Manor
- “The people who will get really rich in this ‘brave new world’ are the lawyers” – Robin Raskin
The main conclusions of the session were:
- The metaverse opens many opportunities for transforming society. It must be harnessed by governments to provide services to their citizens in a meaningful way – but this also means they have to ensure that citizens have access to the internet. A smart city with disconnected citizens is not very smart!
- The UN, in its defined SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) pointed out that achieving the objectives requires a plan that defines consistent, coherent, and synchronised measures. To achieve this kind of coordination, systematic programs must be initiated globally because they will have the endorsement of the UN; be supported at national levels by governments because they will encourage economic development; and be willingly adopted by the private sector because of the inherent financial profits that the programs will produce.
Moira represented IFIP at the High-Level Opening segment on 31 May 2022 Multistakeholder Digital Cooperation for Global Development. She answered the questions: “What are IFIP’s objectives for Digital Cooperation?” and “What multistakeholder partnerships does IFIP already have, and what other partnerships do they plan to develop in the short to medium term?” For information on the speakers and a recording click here.
The team also joined the panel for InterYIT’s thematic workshop on Thursday 2 June 2022 “IPR 4 ICT – Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow – A Perspective towards Young Think-Tanks”. The session focused on Intellectual property issues.

Caption: (L-R) IFIP President-elect Anthony Wong, IFIP President Mike Hinchey and IP3 Chair Moira de Roche with ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao